Duo Dragons

Holistic Wellness CONSULTANTS


We are Neuromuscular Therapists, Self Healing Facilitators, and known as The Muscle Whisperers. An unique four handed technique with our scientific/medical base training and our spiritual gifts together. Each session is customized to address your 4 bodies; Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Ethereal (Spiritual). Sharing our vast knowledge of modalities including, Advance Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Prenatal and Postnatal, Pre and Post Surgery, Reiki, Acupressure, Chakra Aligning, Access Consciousness - The Bars, Energy Healing, The Body Map, The Garden Meditation, Generational Trauma Release, Heart Meditation and More. We educate you in alternative ways to address the pain or discomfort for longer lasting results. 

Complimentary 15 minutes consultation via Video Chat or Phone Call.

By Appointment ONLY Mon - Sun 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. PST

**Mobile Services in Southern California.**

Contact Us: 949-942-1428 JBR@DuoDragons.com

In Person Healing Season


$200 USD 

(Inquire for Elderly 65+ or Military/Veteran Discounts)


Two Healers Providing A Beautiful Yin Yang Energy

90 Minutes Session


Work Out Clothes

The Origins Of Duo Dragons 

June of 2018, is when I received the news that my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. As I sat in shock, I closed my eyes to pray and ask how can I help her? Can I help her? What can I do for her? Then I heard a faint voice from my spiritual guides say, "You can help her, but not alone." That is where JB came into the picture when I asked him, if he would be willing to help me. Before starting to work on my sister in September of 2018, we practiced on colleges and family. To our surprise they all said the same thing, "this is the most powerful and healing massage I have ever had, you guys should make this a business." As we started with my sister's healing journey, that is when Duo Dragons was formed. She went into remission in June of 2019. In October of 2021, my sister's oncologist had noticed her cancer number rising since July, and her new healing journey began. The picture on the right is her in July of 2022, she had just finished chemo in March and was trying a holistic approach, which was showing great results. In August of 2022 she went into the hospital in pain, just to find out that 2 new abdominal tumors had grown unexpectedly and her time was coming to an end. During that time we spoke a lot, shared our thoughts, and cried, for now we knew, it was time to transition soon. I remember telling her that I wanted her to wear a badge of honor in her heart, because she too had help heal many of our clients through her journey. Duo Dragons is her legacy... Your Loving Sister, Rebecca

In Memory of my sister 

Martha Carmona

Born: 4th September 1977 

Transitioned: 14th October 2022

Events To ExperIence with Duo Dragons

Vibrational Healing - Janet and Rebecca

8th February 1000 Hours - 1400 Hours / 10 A.M. - 4P.M. PST

Mind, Body & Spirit Expo - Cindy Lou

9th February 1000 Hours - 1500 Hours / 10 A.M. - 3P.M. PST

Awaken Your Spirit - Laguna Health and Wellness

TBA February 1600 Hours - 2000 Hours / 4 P.M. - 8 P.M. PST

Holistic Healing Faire - OC HeartSpace

22nd February 1100 Hours - 1700 Hours / 11A.M. - 5P.M. PST

The Beauty of You - BOTI Studios

TBA 1200 Hours - 1700 Hours / 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. PST

Magic Market Spiritual Pop Up

TBA 2025 1200 Hours - 1700 Hours / 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. PST

What Our Clients Think Of Us?

Read Some Reviews


By Appointment ONLY Mon - Sun 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. PST

**Mobile Services in Southern California.**

Contact Us: 949-942-1428 JBR@DuoDragons.com
